Grace Northridge Anglican Church

Teach Us to Pray | E1

Grace Northridge Anglican Church Season 5 Episode 42

Our Father, In Heaven

This week we have begun a new sermon series on the Lord’s Prayer, called Teach Us to Pray, based upon the disciples’ request of Jesus in Luke 11:1. The late J. I. Packer commended the Lord’s Prayer as worthy of our attention in this way:

The Lord’s Prayer in particular is a marvel of compression, and full of meaning. It is a compendium of the gospel (Tertullian), a body of divinity (Thomas Watson), a rule of purpose as well as of petition, and thus a key to the whole business of living. What it means to be a Christian is nowhere clearer than here.

Like all good poetry, the Lord’s Prayer is chock full of meaning, allusions, and symbolism in every phrase. For the next several weeks, will be meditating on it, examining how other scriptures illuminate it, and asking the Holy Spirit to change us viscerally along the way.

Each week, we are taking a few minutes at the end of the sermon to explore different ways to reflect in prayer. This week, we used Centering Prayer. Learn more about this type of prayer here.

Joel has also prepared a Spotify playlist of over 40 musical versions of the Lord’s Prayer for us to listen to as we walk through this series. Check it out by clicking here.

| Grace Northridge Anglican Church