Grace Northridge Anglican Church

Teach Us to Pray | E4

Grace Northridge Anglican Church Season 5 Episode 45

Your Will Be Done on Earth as it is in Heaven

This is week 4 of our sermon series on the Lord’s Prayer, called Teach Us to Pray, based upon the disciples’ request of Jesus in Luke 11:1.

Each week, we are taking a few minutes at the end of the sermon to explore different ways to reflect in prayer. This week, we identified one area of need in our city (San Antonio) from a list of twelve, gathered in groups of two or three, and simply asked for the Lord to bring his will to bear on that area of need, including action on our own parts, if led into that.

Here are the twelve areas of need that we identified:
Affordable Housing
Care for Immigrants
Economic Inequality
Education inequality
Food Insecurity
Foster Care Crisis
Health Care Access
Mental Health crisis

Joel has also prepared a Spotify playlist of over 40 musical versions of the Lord’s Prayer for us to listen to as we walk through this series. Check it out by clicking here.

| Grace Northridge Anglican Church