Grace Northridge Anglican Church
Sermons and other audio from Grace Northridge Anglican Church, in San Antonio, Texas.
Grace Northridge Anglican Church
Teach Us to Pray | E5
Give Us This Day Our Daily Bread
This is week 5 of our sermon series on the Lord’s Prayer, called Teach Us to Pray, based upon the disciples’ request of Jesus in Luke 11:1.
Each week, we are taking a few minutes at the end of the sermon to explore different ways to reflect in prayer. This week, as we responded more freely with two questions:
1. Father, are there areas of need in my life that I have been reluctant to bring to you?
2. Father, will you help me see how you have provided for my needs faithfully?
Joel has also prepared a Spotify playlist of over 40 musical versions of the Lord’s Prayer for us to listen to as we walk through this series. Check it out by clicking here.
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